Formulas for the distribution of the betting stake

distribution of the betting stake

Another important point is the distribution of betting stakes. Anyone who works with a system here and uses it correctly has a good chance of making a profit. There are three basic formulas for optimal bet distribution.

Simple formula

With the simple formula, one must first determine the expected profit. Then the quotas are needed. The expected profit is divided by the odds. After adding the results, you can then determine the total bet and, taking into account the expected profit, the net profit.

Example: Odds 2.10, 3.80 and 5.40 – Expected profit: 100 euros

  • 100 / 2.10 = 47.62 euros
  • 100 / 3.80 = 26.32 euros
  • 100 / 5.40 = 18.52 euros

The bettor must therefore bet 92.46 euros in order to make a net profit of at least 7.54 euros. Anyone who uses low-risk tactics in their money management strategies should rely on the simple formula.

Profit target formula

Profit target formula

With this formula, a desired profit is first defined. After that, the total stake is distributed in such a way, taking into account the betting odds, that there is a profit at the end. This strategy is designed for two different bets.


  • Bet 1 = (odds bet 2 x desired win) / (odds bet 1 -1) x (odds bet 2 – 1) – 1
  • Bet 2 = (odds bet 1 x desired win) / (odds bet 1 -1) x (odds bet 2 – 1) – 1

Now let’s add odds of 2.50 for bet A, odds of 7.00 for bet B and set a profit target of 100 euros.

Bet 1: (7.00 x 100) / 1.50 x 6 – 1 = €87.50 Bet 2: (2.50 x 100) / 1.50 x 6 – 1 = €31.25

After deducting the stake of 118.75 euros, exactly 100 euros remain of the gross profit of 218.75 euros, i.e. the previously envisaged profit target.

The plus/minus zero formula

The plus/minu

The plus/minus zero formula is suitable for bettors who prefer to bet on favorites but want to minimize risk or work with secure profits. The formula is therefore called plus/minus, since losses on a favorite bet are to be recovered with bets on the opponent. This is intended to prevent at least no loss occurring in the end and the result being at least plus/minus zero.

Here the betting stakes are based on units. The size of the units results from the total available betting budget. For example, if you have a high capital of 10,000 euros, you should never bet more than 10% of it on one bet. A good guideline is 3%. With a capital of 1,000 euros per bet, the value of a unit is 1/10, i.e. 100 euros, which corresponds to a 1% total share. 1/10 then means that the bet has a low security of 10% and you should only bet 100 euros.

Three calculations are necessary for the distribution of the betting stakes:

  • Bet 1 = odds bet 2 x unit
  • Bet 2 = odds bet 1 x unit
  • Bet 3 = (Odds Bet 1 -1) x (Odds Bet 2 -1) – 1 x Unit

In the end, the bettor knows how the bets are to be distributed over which odds, so that in the end at least a plus/minus zero results if only bet 3 is won.

Example: Consider the odds 3.00 (A), 5.00 (B), 8.00 (C) and 5 units.

This results in the following calculation:

  • Bet A: 5 x 5 = 25 euros
  • Bet B: 3 x 5 = 15 euros
  • Bet C: (3 – 1) x (5 – 1) – 1 x 5 = 2 x 4 – 1 x 5 = 35 euros

If the favored bet C is not successful, the stake can be recovered by winning bet A or B.

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